Tässä hieman pätkiä eräälle englanninkieliselle lehdelle tarjoamastani jutusta Outward Bound-toiminnasta. Juttu sisältää omia näkemyksiä ja erillisessä faktalaatikossa on tietoja Outward Boundista.


"Already before the trip we had some difficulties, because some of our class wouldn’t go and some didn’t want to leave this opportunity unused just because they had a terrible flue…And then there were of course the outsiders, two girls from another class, who came with us because they hadn’t been able to go with their own…This was to cause some trouble, because they were so different than us and some couldn’t handle it. But that’s another story."



"The trip consisted of different kinds of tasks that we had to complete mostly either in pairs or in groups. The aim of these tasks was actually to teach us to know each other and trust each other. We had to row quite long distances in the kind of a boat that people used to use to get to the church. We had to fall down backwards and trust that the others will catch us, walk blindfolded along trunks that were on the ground etc. We had to choose people who were responsible for foods, people who were responsible for hygiene etc…"



* An international organization that provides courses etc. in order to help people develop their mind, body and spirit.

* The first Outward Bound School was established in 1941 to Scotland.

* The founders were Kurt Hahn and Max von Baden.

* Nowadays Outward Bound Organization has branches in several countries all over the world, for example in Scotland and in Finland

* Outward Bound Finland is located in Lahti.

* The core values of the organization are courage, trust, integrity, compassion and cooperation.