Michael Connelly: Concrete blond

Hieronymus Bosch is a hardboiled L.A.-based detective. His mother was murdered and the case is still unsolved. Without any other close relatives the poor little boy had to live in a children's home.

Now Mr.Bosch is in trouble. A man who earlier was upraised to a heroic detective is now depreciated after a regrettably concluded serial murder case and moved into a different precinct. Now he's been charged.

At the same time things start to happen in a long buried case and more bodies begin to drop as a nuicance for the detectives. Bosch and his partners  decide to take action. At the same time the sympathetic man has to deal with the excitement caused by his lady friend and the trial. At times it seems as if the man is badly confused.

Even though the book is exciting, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. The earlier Connelly-books have been so exciting, that I haven't been able to put them out of my hands. Unlike now. This book is a mediocre thriller.